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Nuatech News

Cloud vs on=premises
Cloud Technology

Cloud Computing vs On-Premises Solutions

Are you tired of being weighed down by the burden of maintaining on-premises IT infrastructure? Ready to break free from the chains of physical hardware

Benefits of VoIP

The Benefits of a VoIP Telephone System

“Mr Watson, come here – I want to see you” were the first words spoken over a telephone line by Alexander Graham Bell on the 7th of March 1876. Since then, the world has become a much smaller place with the telephone allowing people to communicate in real-time across the globe.

Multi Factor Authentication
Data Protection

What is Multi-Factor Authentication and What are the Benefits?

Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA is a security measure that requires you to provide two separate pieces of information before you are granted access to an online service. In the past, it has been far too easy for hackers to obtain credentials and access your online services. By implementing MFA you are telling the online service that you are in fact, who you claim to be.

Hacker cybercrime

Sextortion Email Scams

Sextortion email scams have been around for quite some time and every now and then a new wave will target the inboxes of unsuspecting victims. This once again appears to be the case and we have noticed an increase in requests for advice on how to handle this.


Understanding The Cyber Kill Chain

An advanced persistent threat is when a malicious actor gains access to a network and remains undetected for weeks, months and even years. Lockheed developed the Cyber Kill Chain with the idea that if we identify threats early enough, this will reduce the possibility of an advanced persistent threat. The cyber kill chain is an adaptation of the military’s kill chain, which is a step-by-step approach that identifies and stops the enemy activity.

MSP Challenges

4 Common Business Challenges That MSPs Can Help Solve

Challenges are not only inevitable in business but as it turns out, necessary. Commerce exists because of them with almost every business predicated on the need to address the challenges of others and in turn, requires others to address theirs. The growth of information technology over the last 30 + years has created incredible opportunities but also brought with them new challenges.