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Nuatech News

Benefits of VoIP

The Benefits of a VoIP Telephone System

“Mr Watson, come here – I want to see you” were the first words spoken over a telephone line by Alexander Graham Bell on the 7th of March 1876. Since then, the world has become a much smaller place with the telephone allowing people to communicate in real-time across the globe.

Remote Working: Are you doing it right?
Remote Working

Remote Working: Are you doing it right?

Eamon Gallagher Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin March 2020 was a sucker punch for business and the lockdowns that followed have

Remote Working

Remote Working: A perk of the job or the future of work?

The workplace saw a dramatic shift in 2020, owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and what was a perk only 12 months ago, became the norm in 2020. Back at the beginning of March 7th, 2020, I wrote that “there is a very real possibility that remote working may well become the business continuity tool of necessity for many businesses” and that undoubtedly rang true. But now as we look to the future of remote working; will it once again be resigned to a perk of the job?