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Whats new in Microsoft Teams

What’s New in Microsoft Teams November 2021 Update

Each month Microsoft give us an update on all the latest features added to Microsoft Teams. This post published at the end of November showcases a number of excellent new features that are sure to please Teams fans and users across the globe.

What's New in Microsoft Teams for 2021

What’s New in Microsoft Teams for 2021 – Part 2

Last week Microsoft held their spring Ignite event announcing a host of new features and updates for Microsoft Teams. In Part 1 we looked at the new features and updates for the Meeting and Webinar functions. In this post, we will look at the rest of the features and updates announced for Teams including; Chat and Collaboration, Security, Customisation, Calling and Teams Management.

What's New in Microsoft Teams for 2021

What’s New in Microsoft Teams for 2021 – Part 1

At various times throughout the year, big tech companies host events where they announce new products or exciting updates, and Microsoft is no different. The Microsoft Ignite event is the hot ticket event for both Microsoft partners and enthusiasts. At this, year’s Ignite hosted between 02-04 of March Microsoft announced a host of updates for Microsoft Teams. So much was announced that I’m going to put it into two separate posts. I can’t claim credit for this and will be posting this almost verbatim to the Microsoft Post.